Advanced-Use Example 2

This example is also provided here as a Jupyter Notebook.

An $\alpha$BB Example for a QCQP.

In this example, we will demonstrate the use of a user-defined lower-bounding problem that uses $\alpha$BB convex relaxations. In this example, we wish to solve the nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP):

\[\begin{aligned} & \min_{\mathbf x \in \mathbb{IR}^{2}} \frac{1}{2} \mathbf x^{\rm T} \mathbf Q_{f} \mathbf x + \mathbf c_{f}^{\rm T} \mathbf x \\ {\rm s.t.} \; \; & g_{1}(\mathbf x) = \frac{1}{2} \mathbf x^{\rm T} \mathbf Q_{g_{1}}\mathbf x + \mathbf c_{g_{1}}^{\rm T} \mathbf x \leq 0 \\ & g_{2}(\mathbf x) = \frac{1}{2} \mathbf x^{\rm T} \mathbf Q_{g_{2}} \mathbf x + \mathbf c_{g_{2}}^{\rm T} \mathbf x \leq 0 \\ \end{aligned}\]

with $\mathbf Q_i\in\mathbb R^{2\times 2}$ not positive semidefinite for any $i$.

using JuMP, EAGO, Ipopt, LinearAlgebra

Custom Function Definitions

For convenience, we'll define the following function that returns all the problem data $\mathbf Q_i$ and $\mathbf c_i$.

function QCQP_setup()

    Qf = [3.0, 3/2; 3/2, -5.0]
    cf = [3.0; 2.0]

    Qg1 = [-2.0, 5.0; 5.0, -2.0]
    cg1 = [1.0; 3.0]

    Qg2 = [-6.0, 3.0; 3.0, 2.0]
    cg2 = [2.0; 1.0]
    return Qf, cf, Qg1, cg1, Qg2, cg2

The next function we'll define will take as input data for a particular quadratic function and the interval bounds on the decision variables, and construct an $\alpha$BB convex relaxation of that function. Since we're solving a QCQP, we'll use the eigvals function to directly compute the eigenvalues of the input $\mathbf Q_i$ matrix.

function αBB_relax(Q::Matrix{T}, c::Vector{T}, xL::Vector{T}, xU::Vector{T}, x::Real...) where {T<:Float64}
    α = max(0.0, -minimum(eigvals(Q))/2)
    y = [x[1]; x[2]]
    cv = 1/2*y'*Q*y + c'*y + α*(xL - y)'*(xU - y)
    return cv

Redefine the Lower-Bounding Problem

The following code first defines our EAGO extension (custom version) struct and then it redefines the lower-bounding problem as our own version. That is, when we call this customized version of EAGO to solve the problem, it'll deploy this version of the lower-bounding problem instead of the default version.

import EAGO: Optimizer, GlobalOptimizer

struct αBB_Convex <: EAGO.ExtensionType end
import EAGO: lower_problem!
function EAGO.lower_problem!(t::αBB_Convex, opt::GlobalOptimizer)
    # Get active node
    n = opt._current_node
    # Get bounds on active node for calculating relaxations
    xL = n.lower_variable_bounds[1:2]
    xU = n.upper_variable_bounds[1:2]
    # Get the problem data
    Qf, cf, Qg1, cg1, Qg2, cg2 = QCQP_setup()

    # Define the JuMP model and declare the solver
    mL = JuMP.Model(JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer,
                                "tol" => 1.0e-6,
                                "print_level" => 0))
    @variable(mL, xL[i] <= x[i=1:2] <= xU[i])
    # Define the function closures for the user-defined relaxations
    fcv(x...) = αBB_relax(Qf, cf, xL, xU, x...)
    g1cv(x...) = αBB_relax(Qg1, cg1, xL, xU, x...)
    g2cv(x...) = αBB_relax(Qg2, cg2, xL, xU, x...)

    # Register the user-defined functions
    # Note: If the gradients and Hessians are directly available, they could
    # be passed as arguments to the register function to speed things up.
    JuMP.register(mL, :fcv, 2, fcv, autodiff=true)
    JuMP.register(mL, :g1cv, 2, g1cv, autodiff=true)
    JuMP.register(mL, :g2cv, 2, g2cv, autodiff=true)

    # Declare the objective function and constraints
    @NLobjective(mL, Min, fcv(x[1], x[2]))
    @NLconstraint(mL, g1cv(x[1], x[2]) <= 0.0)
    @NLconstraint(mL, g2cv(x[1], x[2]) <= 0.0)
    # Solve the relaxed problem
    # Get primal status, termination status, determine if a global solution was obtained
    tstatus = MOI.get(mL, MOI.TerminationStatus())
    pstatus = MOI.get(mL, MOI.PrimalStatus())

    solution = JuMP.value.(x)
    # Interpret status codes for branch-and-bound
    if EAGO.local_problem_status(tstatus, pstatus) == EAGO.LRS_FEASIBLE
        opt._lower_objective_value = JuMP.objective_value(mL) 
        opt._lower_solution[1:length(solution)] = solution
        opt._lower_feasibility = true
        opt._cut_add_flag = false
        opt._lower_feasibility = false
        opt._lower_objective_value = -Inf
        opt._cut_add_flag = false

By default, EAGO solves the epigraph reformulation of your original problem, which increases the original problem dimensionality by +1 with the introduction of an auxiliary variable. When defining custom routines (such as the lower-bounding problem here) that are intended to work nicely with default EAGO routines (such as preprocessing), the user must account for the new dimensionality of the problem. In the code above, we wish to access the information of the specific B&B node and define an optimization problem based on that information. However, in this example, the node has information for 3 variables (the original 2 plus 1 for the auxiliary variable appended to the original variable vector) as $(x_{1}, x_{2}, \eta)$. The lower-bounding problem was defined to optimize the relaxed problem with respect to the original 2 decision variables. When storing the results of this subproblem to the current B&B node, it is important to take care to store the information at the appropriate indices and not inadvertently redefine the problem dimensionality (i.e., by simply storing the optimization solution as the lower_solution of the current node). For problems that are defined to only branch on a subset of the original variables, the optimizer has a member _sol_to_branch_map that carries the mapping between the indices of the original variables to those of the variables being branched on. Visit our quasiconvex example to see how this is done.

(Optional) Turn Off Processing Routines

Turn off preprocessing routines if you don't want to use them as defined in EAGO.

import EAGO: preprocess!
function EAGO.preprocess!(t::αBB_Convex, x::GlobalOptimizer)
    x._preprocess_feasibility = true

Turn off postprocessing routines if you don't want to use them as defined in EAGO.

import EAGO: postprocess!
function EAGO.postprocess!(t::αBB_Convex, x::GlobalOptimizer)
    x._postprocess_feasibility = true

Construct the JuMP Model and Optimize

Now, we'll tell EAGO to use our custom/extended solver, set up the main JuMP model, and solve it with our custom solver.

factory = () -> EAGO.Optimizer(SubSolvers(; t = αBB_Convex() ))
m = JuMP.Model(optimizer_with_attributes(factory,
                                "relative_tolerance" => 1e-3,
                                "verbosity" => 1,
                                "output_iterations" => 1, 
                                "branch_variable" => Bool[true; true],
Qf, cf, Qg1, cg1, Qg2, cg2 = QCQP_setup()   # Get QCQP data
xL = [-3.0; -5.0]                           # Lower bounds on x
xU = [1.0; 2.0]                             # Upper bounds on x
@variable(m, xL[i] <= x[i=1:2] <= xU[i])

# Define objective and constraints
@objective(m, Min, 1/2*x'*Qf*x + cf'*x)
@constraint(m, 1/2*x'*Qg1*x + cg1'*x <= 0.0)
@constraint(m, 1/2*x'*Qg2*x + cg2'*x <= 0.0)

# Solve the problem
@time optimize!(m)

Retrieve Results

We then recover the objective value, the solution values, and termination status codes using standard JuMP syntax.

println("x1* = ", JuMP.value(x[1]), " x2* = ",
         JuMP.value(x[2])," f* = ",JuMP.objective_value(m))
TermStatus = JuMP.termination_status(m)
PrimStatus = JuMP.primal_status(m)
println("Algorithm terminated with a status of $TermStatus and result code of $PrimStatus")